Formulae to definitely know

These formula are most likely to be assumed knowledge in Section 3 and so may not be provided in the stem

Physics Formula Chemistry Formula

Ohm’s Law

Effective Resistance


Effective Resistance


Electric Power

Kinetic Energy

Gravitational energy

Work Energy

Newton’s Second Law


Pythagoras’ Theorem

(right angle triangles)

mass stoichiometry

Volume stoichiometry

Gas Law




$R_{eff}=(\frac{1}{R_1}+\frac{1}{R_2}+ ...)^{-1}$





W = Fs

$\sum F = ma$



m = nM

n = cV


$\rho = \frac{m}{V}$


Formulae that are useful to know

These formulae are useful to know as they will save you time or might give you alternatives to tackling questions but they are also pretty likely to be provided in stems anyway rather than be memorised (based on practice material as a guide)