Practice under timed or untimed conditions using the random prompt sets in this random prompt generator. The current version has 17 pairs (Task A and Task B), each with four prompts as is seen in Section 2 of GAMSAT. Currently, these prompt sets are drawn from the ‘Write With Me’ series that I ran on YouTube in the lead up to the March 2022 sitting. I will create new versions of the generator with added prompts where I can so keep a check out for any new updated versions here!

Step 1. Download the .zip file


Open this file link and hit the download button in the top right corner

Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 8.50.31 pm.png

Step 2. Open the .html file

Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 8.53.45 pm.png

Open the ‘index.html’ file in a web browser to run the generator

It should look like this

Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 8.55.03 pm.png

Step 3. Generate a random prompt set

Hit the ‘New Quote’ button to generate a random pair of prompts. You can hit the button again to randomly generate a new pair

Set a timer (65 minutes for two Tasks) and away you go!